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Mighty Bambinis

Chipmunks Toddler Programs

There are two Mighty ways Toddlers can participate in learning and playing with us:

  • Toddlers @ Mighty Bambinis (2y5m +, potty training not required)

  • Chipmunks Toddler & Caregiver Classes 9:30-11am Tuesdays and Wednesdays (8 week series)


Toddlers @ Mighty Bambinis

Mighty Bambinis teachers have always loved teaching and playing with Toddlers. We've had 2.5 year old siblings each year and now we're ready to open up to more Toddlers that will be 2y5m years old by the time they start!


Toddler Experts

Director Evelyn Nichols, M.Ed. is an expert in toddlers and infants, in addition to preschool-aged children. Evelyn has been trained in RIE (Resources for Infant Educators) Foundation course. Mighty Bambinis San Francisco was a observation site for RIE Foundations students and a Mentor site for SFSU and CCSF students studying infant and toddler childcare/preschool. Evelyn was a former CCSF Child Development Faculty Member and Parent Educator/Toddler Instructor with Early Childhood Matters. 



Potty & Nap Time

Potty Trained NOT required 
At our program, children learn as much from their teachers as each other. Each day we have two whole group potty "parties" where everyone tries to potty, then washes hands before meals. Toddlers love "me do it" and are very excited to try out what they see their older friends modeling. We are happy to support parents in their potty training journey at home and encouraging toddlers to try pottying in nature on our sanitized OXO travel potties. While they are in diapers we will lovingly change their diapers in the RIE style of caregiving, making the interactions positive moments of care and learning.

Nap Time
Our aftercare Owls Nest program, provides a small group slower paced afternoon from 1-3pm. Every day children play, rest and have snack. Parents provide a sleeping bag for children to have quiet rest time. During this time, all children rest quietly for at least 30 minutes. Older children that do not need a nap as supported to rest their bodies, enjoying slowing down and feeling their bodies on the ground and breath. After 30 minutes, children not napping will return to play and activities with a teacher.  Children that nap regularly, are supported to rest and take a nap. During cooler or wetter times, teachers will have a tent for children that regularly nap. There are many studied benefits to sleeping outdoors. Sleeping outdoors is practiced regularly in Nordic families and childcares, and in forest programs around the US.

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Benefits of Mixed Age

Toddlers are integrated in much of the regular day's flow and will naturally become more fully integrated as they have their 3rd birthday. There are so many benefits for toddlers to participate in a mixed age program. Toddler only classroom have more conflict and less language development without older children acting as excellent play mentors. Toddlers are not yet ready to share and take turns patiently. They tend to play side by side with similar objects called parallel play. They are more literal in their play, not yet having full access to imagination, planning and problem solving. However, with older friends that co-regulate and model calm play, with turn taking with cooperation, the demands on a toddler during play are more easeful. Toddlers can enjoy parallel playing near older friends learning through observation and taking part in learning to enter into play. 


Attachment with caregivers is of primary importance for young children, especially toddlers. Secure attachment is the foundation for children to explore the world and have a safe place to come back to. A mixed age classroom, means your child does not need to change teachers every year. Each year the attachment is maintained and is a launch point for socio-emotional learning and cognitive and physical learning. 


Ready for Mighty Bambinis?

At Mighty Bambinis we have a low ratio of 1:5, and can spend quality 1:1 time anytime a child needs it at our program. We can comfort and support your growing toddler in their happy and challenging moments with ease. 


Toddlers are in the sensorimotor phase of development. Being outside is essential for toddlers to experience the world through all of their senses and move their bodies in just right challenge ways. Toddlers are more quick to become overwhelmed in social interactions as their primal brainstem and emotional limbic system rules, which their cognitive pre-frontal cortex are not developed. Being outside (even in the rain) is a calming sensory experience for toddlers. The overstimulating noises, feeling of being too close, not being able to move their bodies don't challenge toddlers when they are outdoors. The play items outside have less "heat" and there are few conflicts over not having enough of the same toys, as there is always another fantastic stick, rock or nature treasure to find.


When toddlers' nervous systems spend less time in "fight or flight," they can spend more time in contented flow resulting in those pathways becoming the default state. 


After a tour, Evelyn and parents can assess readiness. We take time to teach safety protocols, but the one safety rule that some toddler struggle with is staying close to teachers and coming back when called. It is important for toddlers to be good at following these boundaries in order to enroll at Mighty Bambinis. Do they hold your hand when walking in a parking lot or sidewalk? Do they come back when called at a park? Do they walk on their own most of the time when you play at a park?


Come and visit us and we can decide after your tour/playdate. Many kids are ready by 2.5 years old.


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Toddler & Caregiver Classes 
9-12 week series

Our Chipmunk Toddler & Caregiver classes are designed for children ages 18 - 42 months with the accompaniment of an adult. 

Class Rhythm

Snack Time & Gathering

Song and Movement circle

Guided loose parts sensory/art play activity

Closing Circle / Puppet show 


Class Goals 

Mighty Bambinis Toddler & Caregiver classes are an introduction to forest school philosophy. The class provides a foundation for finding joy exploring, learning and playing in nature with your child. Mighty Bambinis educators provide a safe, welcoming space and play invitations for children and caregivers to develop positive emotional and cognitive connections through sensory schematic play. We hope at these experiences will create lasting memories and ignite lifelong curiosity and stewardship for your family. We hope parents and children also gain a community of kind, adventurous caregivers and parents as they grow n community with the same children and adults during the course of a series.


Parents and caregivers will enjoy special time with their child(ren), enjoy playing, singing, and learning with their child, and learn by spending time with our Mighty Bambinis teacher who will be modeling best practices in leading and supporting young children. 


Each week you'll receive an article to ponder before the class, however, we won't be spending class time discussing adult material. We hope that it sparks ideas in your mind, but that during class time we are phone free and present giving our child the gift of our attention and play. 


Classes take place in a nature spot in Marin. Each series will be at the same location for the duration of the series. 

2024-2025 Mighty Bambinis Toddler & Caregiver Class Schedule


Tuesday 9:30-11am OR Wednesdays 9:30-11am 

Ages: 18 months to 3.5 years old

Locations: Tiburon Park

Many people sign up over and over year-round

**A Thursday Session could be added if enough demand.


What Makes the Mighty Bambinis Toddler & Caregiver Classes Different?

Teachers Evelyn Nichols and Michele Little co-teacher each class. Both of us have a Masters in Education with over 20 years each of teaching littles and working with parents. In the class, we create an enriching pre-preschool experience for children that is developmentally appropriate focused on development of the whole child. Parents are amazed at the growth their children make over the course of a series. With the recurring stable cohort both children and parents develop friendships and community. 


Children's play is supported through modeling of best practices by Evelyn and Michele. We guide families in helping your child extend play, develop in multiple domains, and develop social skills to resolve conflict and thrive as kind friends. 


Parents are supported through thought provoking articles followed up with hands-on learning to apply the theory. Each class Evelyn & Michele set up invitations and STEAM activities for children and parents to engage in during the class. Parent community is facilitated through a WhatsApp group per Season. Parents are encouraged to enjoy picnic lunches and extended exploring after the end of class. 


Our program can truly fill your whole morning with connection and awe! 



  • Be sure to bring your warm layers and a playful spirit and roll up your sleeve to enjoy getting dirty with your kiddo! 

  • Class Fees are non-refundable, but with 2 week cancellation can be saved as credit and applied to future enrollments or transferred to another friend. Absences are not refunded or credited.

  • Classes canceled by Mighty Bambinis will be rescheduled at the end of the session, and when this is not possible, credited for future enrollments. 

  • Caregivers can bring up to 2 children per adult. Fees are per child. 

  • Please note the names of the children and dates of birth in the form below. Please be sure that the adult can support and supervise both children if attending with just 1 adult. 2-3 adult caregivers can attend with 1 child for 1 registration fee. 

  • Some families register for both multiple days per week, as each day your child's interests lead. No day will be the same. 

  • ​

Email us at if you have questions or need something different.





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